Nitzan Lily

Nitzan is a dedicated blacksmith and makes hammer for Nunome inlay. It is tiny hammer but it is actually not easy at all to make this specific shape and size hammer. He is my third person to ask and Master Kashima finally approved his hammer.
"Growing up in a small farm in Israel, surrounded by old agricultural machine parts and scrap metal, Nitzan spent his afternoons welding pieces together to make small sculptures by the age of 13. Later, he was introduced to wood-working by both of his grandfathers, took a carpentry course and began designing and creating furniture for family and friends. In 1995, Nitzan stumbled upon an opportunity to learn the basics of blacksmithing in Tel Aviv and realized that he had to go back to working with metal. In 1996, he had the privilege to apprentice and learn from various Master Blacksmiths in Europe (mainly Olomouc and Prague, Czech Republic as well as Corsica, France). In 1998, He decided to settle in the US and became skilled at architectural blacksmithing. Since moving to Portland in 2012 and starting his own business, Nitzan Lilie Artist Blacksmith LLC, Nitzan has been focusing on hand-forged mild & stainless steel artwork, as well as custom blacksmithing tools & hammers."